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Fig. 1 | Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy

Fig. 1

From: Problematic alcohol use among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Canada: the role of proximal stressors and anxiety

Fig. 1

Estimated Structural Equation Model. Legend: Note. Standardized path coefficients and factor loadings (standard errors). *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001. Dashed paths are non-significant. Factor loadings of the HADS-A and HADS-D indicator variables have been omitted from the diagram for clarity. Residuals, some residual covariances, and direct paths from distal minority stress to alcohol outcomes (two paths, both of which were statistically nonsignificant) have also been omitted for clarity. All indicators significantly loaded onto their corresponding latent variable. Standardized factor loadings for the depression latent variable ranged from .221 to .780, and for the anxiety latent variable ranged from .228 to .778. AUDIT-C R 2 = 12.3%, ASSIST-Alcohol R 2 = 7.7%. HHRDS-HR = harassment and rejection, HHRDS-WD = workplace and school discrimination, HHRDS-OD = other discrimination, LGBIS-IH = internalized homonegativity, LGBIS-AC = acceptance concerns, LGBIS-CM = concealment motivation, LGBIS-IDA = identity affirmation, HADS-A = anxiety, HADS-D = depression, AUDIT-C = alcohol consumption, ASSIST-Alcohol = alcohol use problems

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