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Table 1 The definitions of themes, regulatory language, product-related information/content, and marketing-related slogans, strategies, and claims with text examples (if appropriate)

From: Marketing claims, promotional strategies, and product information on Malaysian e-cigarette retailer websites-a content analysis





Age restriction*

Age verification that restricts minors from accessing the website

Click through verification

ID requirement

Confirmation of age by click through option “are you above 18 years old? Yes/ No.”

ID such as IC, driver’s license, student ID or other proof of age.

Contact Information*

Display of contact information for customers to directly contact e-cigarette vendor

Phone number, Email address, Physical store address


Regulatory language

Statements of warnings or disclaimers related to minors, e-cigarette product and nicotine

Age warning, Nicotine Disclaimers, Health warnings, Noticeable regulatory language

Disclaimers against minors’ use of e-cigarettes. Disclaimers about the presence of nicotine in any of the products. Warning about the possible side effects of using e-cigarettes. Presence of warnings and disclaimers in large, visible text that catches the eye, and is on the homepage.


Any display of content with regards to the health effects, safety, and convenience of e-cigarette use, trendy, or modernity

Health related, Cessation related, Smoke anywhere, Reduced SHS, affordability, Convenient to use, Modern, Social enhancement

E-cigarettes are healthier than conventional cigarettes and contain fewer toxic chemicals. E-cigarettes can reduce cigarette smoking and aid in smoking cessation. E-cigarettes can circumvent clean air policies and can be used where conventional cigarette smoking is prohibited. reduced exposure to second hand-smoke and less dangerous vapors. E-cigarettes being cheaper than conventional cigarettes. E-cigarettes are easier to carry and dispose, and that they are more accessible to purchase. Messaging that using e-cigarettes is a modern, trendy, revolutionary way of smoking or a technologically advanced method of smoking. Claims that e-cigarette smoking can increase social status, make one popular or increase one’s sexual appeal.

Product types

Variety of products that are available for purchase on the website

Starter kit, Rechargeable e-cigarettes, Disposable e-cigarettes, E-liquid

Vape kit for beginners containing all the components required for first-time vaping. Vape devices that can be reused multiple times by recharging and require only one-time purchase. A non-rechargeable vaping device that is pre-filled with e-liquid and is designed for one-time use only.


Variety of popular e-liquid flavors available for purchase on the website.

Fruit, Coffee, Menthol/ mint, Tobacco, Unflavored, and other flavors.

Flavored or unflavored liquid used to produce vapor in e-cigarettes also known as e-juice or vape juice (may contain nicotine.)

Ingredient disclosure*

List of ingredients/ chemical components of e-liquid displayed on the website for each product.


Nicotine content*

Disclosure of nicotine presence and content in the products available for purchase.

Nicotine products, Nicotine content in milligrams, Nicotine use promotion.


Instruction to use*

Display of detailed instruction of how to use vape products.


Promotions and discounts

Promotional offers and discounts of products

Discounted price, Free samples, Social media, Blog, Newsletter subscriptions


Links to the online community*

External links to online communities and platforms


Links to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. A blog page for sharing discussions and information about e-cigarette and vaping-related topics. Timely subscriptions to newsletters that are emailed to consumers directly carrying information and updates about new products and offers.


Catchy slogans or phrases displayed on the website for advertising and appealing e-cigarettes to consumers

  1. *Themes originally developed for this study