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Table 1 Demographics of survey respondents using anabolic–androgenic steroids

From: The use of post-cycle therapy is associated with reduced withdrawal symptoms from anabolic-androgenic steroid use: a survey of 470 men

Age (Years)

Respondents, n = 469 (%)


196 (41.8)


187 (39.9)


81 (17.5)

 60 + 

4 (0.9)


Respondents, n = 470 (%)

 Asian or Asian British

100 (22.2)

 Black, African, Caribbean, or Black British

18 (4.0)

 Mixed or multiple ethnic groups

52 (11.5)


2 (0.4)


298 (66.1)


Respondents, n = 468 (%)

 England: East

4 (0.9)

 England: London and South-East

9 (1.0)

 England: Midlands

14 (3.0)

 England: North-East

17 (3.6)

 England: North-West

14 (3.0)

 England: South-West

43 (9.2)

 England: Yorkshire

291 (62.2)


57 (12.2)


13 (2.8)

 Outside the UK

3 (0.6)


3 (0.6)


Respondents, n = 438 (%)

 High-level managerial, administrative, or professional

30 (6.8)

 Intermediate managerial, administrative, or professional

72 (16.4)

 Supervisory, clerical, and junior managerial, administrative, or professional

80 (18.3)

 Skilled manual work

129 (29.5)

 Semi and unskilled manual work

67 (15.3)

 Casual or lowest grade of work, unemployed or pension

42 (9.6)

 Full-time student

18 (4.1)