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Table 2 Linear mixed model of ΔFSS-9 sum scores from baseline to EOT12 for integrated HCV treatment (intention-to-treat) (N = 276)

From: The efficacy of integrated hepatitis C virus treatment in relieving fatigue in people who inject drugs: a randomized controlled trial


Effect estimates


Coefficient (95% CI)


Time trend

–1.2 (–4.2;1.8)


ΔFSS-9 sum score from baseline to EOT12

 Standard HCV treatment

0.0 (ref.)


 Integrated HCV treatment

–3.0 (-6.4;0.4)


 Achieving SVR

0.6 (-2.2;3.4)


  1. The table displays a linear mixed model analysis (Restricted Maximum Likelihood) regression of the impact of integrated HCV treatment on changes in FSS-9 sum scores (ΔFSS-9 sum score) from baseline to EOT12 (intention-to-treat analysis), adjusted for achieving SVR at EOT12. The FSS-9 sum score ranges from 9 points, no fatigue, to 63 points, worst fatigue
  2. Legends: EOT12 12 weeks after the end of HCV treatment, FSS-9 Nine-item fatigue severity scale, SVR Sustained virological response