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Table 1 Reasons participants gave for preferring to smoke opioids/down compared to other methods

From: Smoking identified as preferred mode of opioid safe supply use; investigating correlates of smoking preference through a 2021 cross-sectional study in British Columbia

Reasons for smoking opioidsA


N (%)B

Overall %

Safety reasons

Less likely to overdose

49 (14.0%)


Less likely to get blood borne disease e.g. HIV/HCV

44 (12.6%)

Less likely to get other infections e.g. abscess

39 (11.2%)

Better able to control dosage

34 (9.7%)

Effect and practice of smoking

Prefer the effects from smoking

45 (12.9%)


Smoking is more social

25 (7.2%)

Able to smoke together with stimulants e.g. crystal meth

20 (5.7%)

Prefer the practice of smoking

3 (0.9%)

Do not Inject

Do not like injecting

40 (11.5%)


Never injected

27 (7.7%)

Can no longer inject/cannot find vein

23 (6.6%)

  1. Note: AThe reasons were provided by 161 participants of the 232 who  responded 'yes' to having smoked any opioid/down in the past month
  2. B Total # of responses = 349, % is of all responses
  3. Question asked to select all that apply, hence, these categories are not mutually exclusive
  4. Other specified reasons were re-categorized into existing categories where appropriate or a new category was developed