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Table 2 The addiction stigma questionnaire adapted from Kennedy-Hendricks et al. [24] and Barry et al. [25]. Reverse scored items are denoted by (R). Participants responded to each item with a 1–7 Likert scale

From: Belief that addiction is a discrete category is a stronger correlate with stigma than the belief that addiction is biologically based

Individuals with an addiction are to blame for the problem.

Some people lack the self-discipline to use drugs without becoming addicted.

I am unwilling to have a person with an addiction marry into the family.

I am unwilling to work closely with a person with an addiction.

Discrimination against people with drug addiction is a serious problem. (R)

Employers should be allowed to deny employment to a person with drug addiction.

People with an addiction are more dangerous than the general population.

Landlords should be able to deny housing to a person with drug addiction.

The treatment options for persons with drug addiction are effective at controlling symptoms. (R)

Most people with drug addiction can, with treatment, get well and return to productive lives. (R)

I am in favour of requiring insurance companies to offer benefits for the treatment of drug addiction that are equivalent to benefits for other medical services. (R)

I am in favour of increasing government spending on the treatment of drug addiction. (R)

I am in favour of increasing government spending on programs that help people with drug addiction find jobs and provide on-the-job support as needed. (R)

I am in favour of increasing government spending on programs to subsidize housing costs for people with drug addiction. (R)