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Table 5 Bivariate associations and logistic regression analyses of mental illness symptoms at treatment start regarding indications of mental health problems at one-year follow-up. Odds ratios and confidence intervals are presented (n = 455)

From: Adolescents with substance use problems in outpatient treatment: a one-year prospective follow-up study focusing on mental health and gender differences


Bivariate associations

Model 5

Model 6

Full Model

Mental illness symptoms

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

Sleeping problems

2.11 (1.44–3.10)***

1.28 (0.81–2.02)

1.38 (0.86–2.20)


2.61 (1.74–3.90)***

1.66 (1.01–2.75)*

1.85 (1.10–3.12)*


2.50 (1.70–3.67)***

1.46 (0.89–2.39)

1.38 (0.83–2.31)

Concentration difficulties

1.86 (1.26–2.76)**

1.38 (0.87–2.17)

1.39 (0.87–2.20)


1.31 (0.84–2.05)

0.68 (0.40–1.15)

0.67 (0.39–1.15)

Suicidal thoughts

4.31 (2.03–9.14)***

3.21 (1.32–7.81)*

3.59 (1.45–8.92)**


3.66 (1.57–8.56)**

1.76 (0.70–4.46)

1.75 (0.68–4.52)

Eating disorders

2.32 (1.18–4.58)*

1.43 (0.68–3.02)

1.46 (0.68–3.16)

Self-harming behavior

2.38 (1.13–5.03)*

0.98 (0.41–2.31)

0.92 (0.38–2.21)

  1. *p < 0.05
  2. **p < 0.01
  3. ***padj < 0.05
  4. Note. Model 5 includes all mental illness symptoms and Model 6 mental illness symptoms as well as age, gender, and primary drug use frequency at intake