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Table 1 Demographic data of study subjects (n = 142)

From: Comparisons of early and delayed abstainers and its effects on long-term smoking cessation in Taiwan


Age (years)

47.8 ± 13.2

Gender (male, %)

99 (69.7)

Marital status (Married (n, %), n = 127)

72 (56.7)

Educational level (below high school levels(n,%), n = 127)

99 (69.7)

Alcohol drinking habit (n,%)

41 (31.3)

Number of quit attempts in the past year (n,%, n = 141)


89 (63.1)


34 (24.1)


18 (12.8)

Quitting reason for health

42 (29.8)

Ever jointed smoking cessation program service

26 (18.3)

Urge to smoke

 Intrinsic factors (n,%)

105 (73.9)

 Extrinsic factors (n,%)

123 (86.6)

Comorbidities (n,%)

45 (31.7)

Body weight (kg)

70.1 ± 14.6

Daily cigarette count (stick)

20.3 ± 10.1

Exhaled CO concentration (ppm)

16.3 ± 10.8

FTCD score7 points (n,%)

54 (38.0)

Duration of smoking (years)

24.9 ± 12.7


 Varenicline (n,%)

135 (95.1)

 NRT (n,%)

7 (4.9)

Early quitters (n, %)

87 (61.3)

  1. The continuous variables were shown as mean ± SD; the categorical variables were shown as percentage; Comorbidities: Self-reported of cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, pulmonary disease or malignancy; FTCD Fagerström test for cigarette dependence, CO carbon monoxide, NRT nicotine replacement therapy