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Table 4 Multivariate linear regression models of sociodemographic and clinical variables with HRQOL in OST patients (n = 1703)

From: Factors associated with health-related quality of life in a large national sample of patients receiving opioid substitution treatment in Germany: A cross-sectional study


Physical Composite Score (PCS)

Adjusted R2 = .206

Mental Composite Score (MCS)

Adjusted R2 = .181

B (95% CI)



B (95% CI)




.00 (-.95 – .96)



-1.91 (-3.04 – -.77)



Duration of opioid dependence (years)

-.18 (-.24 – -.13)



.05 (-.02 – .11)



Substitution medication

1.75 (.73 – 2.77)



1.60 (.38 – 2.82)




-2.11 (-2.47 – -1.75)



-1.56 (-1.99 – -1.13)



Living together with children

-.50 (-1.63 – .62)



-1.39 (-2.74 – -.05)




.19 (-.31 – .68)



.13 (-.46 – .72)



Migration background

.34 (-.67 – 1.34)



1.17 (-.02 – 2.37)



Percentage of positive urine samples

-.01 (-.02 – .04)



-.05 (-.08 – -.02)



Time in current OST

-.00 (-.01 – .00)



.00 (-.00 – .01)



HIV status

2.1 (-.38 – 4.53)



1.38 (-1.56 – 4.31)



HCV status

-1.0 (-1.56 – -.48)



-.42 (-1.06 – .23)



Psychiatric diagnoses

1.68 (.72 – 2.65)



4.73 (3.58 – 5.89)



Psychopharmacological treatment

.85 (-.20 – 1.89)



3.12 (1.87 – 4.37)



  1. Note. Significant predictors are highlighted in bold. Variable codings and ranges are listed here. Gender: 1 = Male, 2 = Female; Duration of opioid dependence (years), range: 0 – 48; Substitution medication: 1 = D-/L-Methadone, 2 = Buprenorphine; Employment: 1 = Full time/education/training, 2 = Part time, 3 = Occasional /other, 4 = Unemployed; Living together with children: 1 = Yes, 2 = No; Partnership: 1 = Single, 2 = Relationship, not living together, 3 = Relationship, living together; Migration background: 1 = Yes, 2 = No; Percentage of positive urine samples, range: 0 – 100; Duration of current OST (months), range: 0 – 318; HIV status: 1 = Positive, 2 = Negative/unclear; HCV status: 1 = Anti-HCV - , 2 = Anti-HCV +/ RNA - , 3 = Anti-HCV +/ RNA + ; Psychiatric diagnoses: 1 = One or more, 2 = None; Psychopharmacological treatment: 1 = Yes, 2 = No.