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Table 7 Doping practices

From: Doping knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Ugandan athletes’: a cross-sectional study

Offereda (n = 346 %)


32 (9.3 %)


314 (90.7 %)

Personal experienceb (n = 360)


14 (3.9 %)

 Yes, but only for treating a medical condition

16 (4.4 %)


289 (80.3 %)

 I do not wish to answer

41 (11.4 %)

Current usec (n = 360)


12 (3.3 %)

 Yes, but only for treating a medical condition

12 (3.3 %)


296 (82.2 %)

 I do not wish to answer

40 (11.1 %)

Knowledged (n = 360)

 Yes, certainly

47 (13.1 %)

 I believe so, but am not sure

82 (22.8 %)


231 (64.1 %)

  1. aHave you been offered doping agents/methods?
  2. bHave you ever had personal experience with banned performance-enhancing drugs and/or methods?
  3. cDo you currently use banned performance-enhancing drugs?
  4. dDo you know people in your sports community who have used doping?