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Table 1 Independent variable descriptions

From: Factors associated with smoking among adolescent males prior to incarceration and after release from jail: a longitudinal study


Assessed at time 1

Assessed at time 2


Refers to period prior to arrest

Refers to current situation




Date of birth

Date of birth at Time 1 plus number of days elapsed between Time 1 and 2 interviews


White, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaska native, Bi-racial, Other; as Hispanic. Categories collapsed to make Hispanic ethnicity a mutually exclusive category if overlap with other race identity


Housing stability


  Foster care history

Ever having been in New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services, a group home, or foster care


  Living with parents or legal guardian

Living with parents, legal guardian, or other relatives.

Living with parents, legal guardian, or other relatives

  Unstably housed

Living in a shelter, from place-to-place, homeless, on the streets, in an empty building, or in an institution

Living in a shelter, from place-to-place, homeless, on the streets, in an empty building, or in an institution

Social ties

Number of people in their lives felt close to


No health insurance

Not paying for medical care in the past year with Medicaid or other health insurance

Not paying for medical care in the past year with Medicaid or other health insurance


Being unemployed and looking/not looking for work

Being unemployed and looking/not looking for work



  Ever held back in school

Ever having stayed a grade back in school


  Not attending school regularly

Being enrolled in school but not attending most of the time, suspended or expelled from school, dropped out of school, or graduated from school

Being enrolled in school but not attending most of the time, suspended or expelled from school, dropped out of school, or graduated from school

  Lifetime learning disability diagnosis

Ever having been told by a guidance counselor, social worker, physician, or psychologist that they had a learning disability, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), or hyperactivity


Alcohol and drug risk


  Alcohol use

Number of times a week on average alcohol consumed in past 30 days

Number of times a week on average alcohol consumed in past 90 days

  Marijuana use

Number of days marijuana used in past 30 days

Number of days marijuana used in past 90 days

  Hard drug use

Number of days cocaine, crack, heroin, inhalants, acid, ecstasy, downers, speed, PCP, or steroids used in past 30 days

Number of days cocaine, crack, heroin, inhalants, acid, ecstasy, downers, speed, PCP, or steroids used in past 90 days

  Sold drugs to get money for drugs/alcohol

Selling drugs to get money to pay for purchase of drugs/alcohol for personal use in past 30 days

Selling drugs to get money to pay for purchase of drugs/alcohol for personal use in past 90 days

  Drug/alcohol dependence

Participants asked 6 questions about drug/alcohol use in the past year, such as: “Did you need to use more drugs or alcohol to get the same high as when you first started using?” If participants answered “yes” to 6 out of 6, classified as “drug/alcohol-dependent” according to DSV IV criteria [22]

Participants asked 6 questions about drug/alcohol use in the past year, such as: “Did you need to use more drugs or alcohol to get the same high as when you first started using?” If participants answered “yes” to 6 out of 6, classified as “drug/alcohol-dependent” according to DSV IV criteria [22]

Sex risk


  Sex partners

Number of sex partners in past three months

Number of sex partners in past three months

  Inconsistent condom use

Not “always” using condoms with all sex partners in past three months

Not “always” using condoms with all sex partners in past three months

Interpersonal violence risk


  Gang involvement

Ever having been involved in a gang, for example with the “Bloods”, “Crips”, or “Latin Kings”


  Weapons possession during illegal activity

Carrying a gun, knife, or any other type of weapon while engaging in illegal activities in last year

Carrying a gun, knife, or any other type of weapon while engaging in illegal activities in last year

Criminal justice background



  Incarcerated for drug charges

Having a current charge for sale, manufacturing, use, or possession of drugs/controlled substances


  Incarcerated for violent charges

Having a current charge for armed robbery, possession of a weapon or weapons charge, offenses against family, children, reckless endangerment of children, domestic violence, sex offenses other than rape or prostitution, or simple assault


  Prior arrests

Number of times ever arrested


  Arrests after release from jail


Number of arrests since release from jail/enrollment in REAL MEN

  Went back to jail after index incarceration


Whether past year’s arrests led to an incarceration