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Table 1 Characteristics of included studies

From: Effectiveness of early interventions for substance-using adolescents: findings from a systematic review and meta-analysis

Study ID

Setting and Country

Type of Intervention

Gender breakdown (%)

Age (Mean, SD)

1. Grenard et al., 2007 [27]

Alternative high school campuses, Los Angeles, USA

Individual Motivational Interviewing (1 session of 25 minutes)

67% Male, 33% Female

16.1 (0.9)

2. Friedman et al., 2002 [28]

Residential Facility for court adjudicated adolescent males, Philadelphia, USA

Botvin Life Skills Training (20 sessions), Prothrow/Stith Anti-Violence model (20 sessions), Values Clarification procedure-20 sessions: (55 minutes each)

100% Male

15.5 (1.1)

3. Stein et al., 2006 [29]

Northwest juvenile correctional facility, USA

Motivational Interviewing (60 minute , 90 minute booster)

89.5% Male, 10.5% Female

17.09 (1.06)

4. Bailey et al., 2004 [33]

Youth Centre, New South Wales, Australia

Brief Motivational Interviewing group intervention (4 sessions-first session 40 minutes, remaining sessions 30 minutes)

50% Male, 50% Female

15.44 (1.80)

5. Peterson et al., 2006 [34]

Homeless adolescents-drop in centres, street intercepts. Seattle, Washington, USA

Brief Motivational Enhancement (1 session of approximately 30 minutes)

54.7% Male, 45.3 Female

17.4 (1.54)

6. Winters et al., in press [26]

Urban Public High School, Minnesota, USA

Teen Intervene-Brief Motivational Interviewing (2 sessions with adolescent of 60 minutes, 1 session of 60 minutes with parent)

51.5% Male, 48.5% Female

16.1 (n/a)

7. Walton et al., 2010 [31]

Emergency Department, Michigan, USA

SafERteens therapist vs computer brief intervention (1 session of 35 minutes)

43.5% Male, 56.5% Female

16.8 (1.3)

8. Spirito et al. , 2004 [30]

Northeast Emergency Department, USA

Brief Motivational Interviewing (1 session of 35–45 minutes)

63.8% Male, 36.2% Female

15.6 (1.2)

9. D’Amico et al., 2008 [32]

Community-based health clinic, Los Angeles, USA

Project CHAT: Motivational Interviewing (1 session of 15–20 minutes; 5–10 minute booster telephone call

47.6% Male, 52.4% Female

16.0 (1.85)