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Table 7 Model with SD as an independent predictor of the expressed opinion (Figure 4) tested independently with data from the high and low SD groups

From: Methodological considerations regarding response bias effect in substance use research: is correlation between the measured variables sufficient?

Fit index

Good fit/Cut-off

High SD group

Low SD group

Overall fit

p > 0.05

χ2 = 18.498, df = 13, p = .140

χ2 = 17.793, df = 13, p = .166


χ 2 /df < 3

χ2/df = 1.423

χ2/df = 1.369


CFI > 0.9




TLI > 0.9




RMSEA < 0.05


90%CI = .000, .137


90%CI = .000, .095


PCLOSE > 0.05



  1. CFI: comparative fit index; TLI: Tucker Lewis coefficient; RMSEA: root mean square error of approximation (<0.8 reasonable, <0.5 is good, > 0.1 is not good); PCLOSE: p of close fit (H0: RMSEA = 0.05)