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Table 2 Pregnant smokers in Scotland receiving cessation support during 2005/6 Stage 1 relates to maternity booking from April 2004 to March 2005, Stages 2-5 relate to March 2005 to February 2006 unless stated in the footnote

From: Smoking prevalence and smoking cessation services for pregnant women in Scotland

Health Board and Hospital

Stage 1 Self reported current smokers corrected for % unknown and total births in hospital (% of births)

Stage 2 Referred to specialist services (% self reported smokers)

Stage 3 Engaged in face-to- face contact (% self reported smokers)

Stage 4 Women who set a quit date (% of self reported smokers)

Stage 5 Women self-reported quit at 4 weeks post quit date (% of self reported smokers)

WTE staff providing specialist smoking cessation service* (H - Home C - Clinic)

Ayrshire and Arran


   Ayrshire Central

1100/3590 (31%)

Generic Services +




   Borders General

292/1042 (28%)

Generic Services +


Not Known


Dumfries and Galloway


   Royal Infirmary

343/1305 (26%)

98 (29%)μ

44 (13%)μ

37 (11%)μ

9 (2.6%)μ**

0.5 (H)



   Forth Park

986/3324 (30%)

396 (40%) μ

193(20%) μ

102 (10%) μ

39 (4.0%) μ

1.2 (H)

Forth Valley


   Stirling Royal Infirmary

789/3116 (25%)

New staff appointed Oct'07

Not Known

Not Known




   Aberdeen Maternity

923/4183 (22%)

Identified midwives work individual sessions

0.4 +


228/950 (24%)

None appointed (spring 2007)



26/110 (24%)

None appointed (spring 2007)


Greater Glasgow & Clyde


   Southern General 'breathe'

664/3219 (21%)

573 (86%)§

106 (16%)§

93 (14%)§

33 (5.0%)§

0.5 (C)

   Princess Royal 'breathe'

1804/5570 (32%)

703 (39%)§

146 (8%)§

145 (8%)μ

50 (2.8%)μ

0.5 (C)

   Queen Mother's 'breathe'

884/3344 (26%)

660 (75%)§

134 (15%)§

132 (15%)§

34 (3.8%)§

0.5 (C)

   Vale of Leven CATCH


[159 μ

78 (9%) μ

[50 μ

[12 μ

0.4 (H)

   Royal Alexandra CATCH

822/2710 (30%)

182 (55%)1

Not known

45 (20%)1

24 (4.7%)1

1.2 (H)

   Greenock services CATCH


115 μ]

Not known

70 μ]

3 μ]

1.0 (H)

Highlands and Islands



520/1888 (28%)

Service from Nov'06 (training/cessation support)

Not Known

Not Known



45/205 (22%)


Not Known

Not Known


   Balfour Hospital, Orkney

18/127 (14%)





   Gilbert Bain, Shetland

28/154 (18%)

Generic services +




   Western Isles

28/178 (16%)


Not Known

Not Known




   Wishaw General

1338/4777 (28%)

Generic Services +






   Royal Infirmary

550/5792 (9%)

Not Known

Not known




   St John's Howden

625/2743 (23%)

247 (40%)μ

140 (22%)μ

105 (17%)μ

32 (5.0%)μ

1.0 (H)




1131/3535 (32%)

Give it up for Baby: first clients April 2007

Community pharmacists

   Perth Royal Infirmary

88/384 (23%)



Generic Services +


   Montrose Royal Infirmary

34/124 (27%)


Total for Scotland

13266/52370*** (25%)

  1. Notes:
  2. Readers will have noticed that Stage 1 refers to smokers identified at maternity booking during the 12 month period April 2004 to March 2005. Stages 2-5 refer to a period March 2005 to February 2006. Little change took place in self-reported current smoking at maternity booking between the year ending March 2005 - 22.5% and the year ending March 2006 21.7% [9]. Much of this difference can be explained by an increase in the 'not known' category from 7.2% to 9.4%.
  3. 1. CATCH data [21] from June 2005- May 2006 - Vale of Leven bookers deliver at Queen Mother's and Royal Alexandra, Greenock bookers mostly deliver at Royal Alexandria in Paisley
  4. § 'breathe' statistics [15] Jan-Dec'06 with booking figures for same period.
  5. The Queen Mother's Hospital delivers patients booked in a geographic area north of the River Clyde where smoking cessation support is provided by the (CATCH) service [21]. It is estimated that 100 smokers from the CATCH service deliver in the Queen Mother's Hospital. Therefore, for clarity, these smokers have been moved from the Queen Mothers Hospital to the Royal Alexandra Hospital so that the separate service models CATCH - home-based and breathe - clinic based can be compared more easily. This was done for the paper describing 'breathe' [15] and it would seem appropriate to repeat this adjustment.
  6. §§ Taken from the National Smoking Cessation Database [West Lothian: St John's Howden, rest of Lothian: Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh]
  7. μ from questionnaire for the mapping exercise
  8. * Active staffing levels may be lower at times, for example absence due to sick leave or difficulty in filling posts.
  9. ** 3 months post quit date
  10. *** Total births do not reflect SMR or ISD as births from 2006 used for 'breathe data
  11. + Generic services are those provided for all smokers and include 'Smokeline' and pharmacy based services not specifically aimed at individual groups such as pregnant smokers.