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Table 1 Study Measures and their Description

From: Therapeutic community drug treatment success in Peru: a follow-up outcome study



Outcome measures


Use of all illicit drugs 30 days prior to treatment (retrospective) vs. no use at the six month follow-up

1 = Yes, 0 = No

Use of PCB(Coca paste), cocaine, cannabis 30 days prior to treatment (retrospective) vs. no use at the six month follow-up

1 = Yes, 0 = No

Use of alcohol use to intoxication 30 days prior to treatment vs. no use at the six month follow-up

1 = Yes, 0 = No

Treatment measures


Length of Stay (per 100 days)

.3 – 11

TC Model Implementation fidelity scale3

39% – 95%; (7 items; alpha = .65)

Treatment satisfaction4

1 = Very Satisfied, 2 = Somewhat Satisfied, 3 = Somewhat Dissatisfied, 4 = Very Dissatisfied (2 items; alpha = 0.69)

Training intensity

1 = 6–8 weeks of Daytop training in Peru v. 2 weeks of Daytop training in Peru, 0 = other

Director attended Daytop training in 1999

1 = Yes 0 = No

Organization characteristics


Organization certified by Pervuvian Ministry of Health?

1 = Yes, 0 = No

Length of operation (years)

2 – 22

Number of paid full-time staff

0 – 32

Number of paid program professionals

0 – 17

Number of paid part-time and contract staff

0 – 11

Planned length of stay

12 months


6 – 11 months

Number of clients served in 2002

8 – 580

Number of clients participating in Follow-up

2 – 33

Age of clients served

18 – 77 years

Classification of program

1 = TC, 0 = Non-TC

Number of Treatment Models Used

0 – 10

Percentage of clients that dropped out before 30 days

0 – 64

Director characteristics



0 = non-Mestizo, 1 = Mestizo


0 = Female, 1 = Male


30 – 54


1 = Primary School, 2 = Secondary School, 3 = Technical School Incomplete, 4 = Technical School Complete, 5 = Some University, 6 = University 4 year Degree, 7 = Higher than 4 year University Degree

Years in Organization

3 months – 22 years

Director attended Daytop training

1 = Yes, 0 = No

Director attended other TC training

1 = Yes – one or more, 0 = None

Recover Alcoholic or Drug Addict?

1 = Yes, 0 = No

Consult with staff before new policies are implemented

0 = Never, 1 = Rarely, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often, 4 = Very Often

Directly involved in clients' treatment plan

1 = Rarely, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often, 4 = Very Often

Amount of time spent individually with each client

1 = One or more hours, 0 = Less than one hour

Use of Research

0 = Never, 1 = Rarely, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often, 4 = Very Often

Former Client characteristics



0 = non-Mestizo, 1 = Mestizo


18 – 77


1 = Primary School, 2 = Secondary School, 3 = Any Technical School 4 = Some University, 5 = University 4 year Degree or more

Employment Status

1 = Employed Part or Full Time, 0 = Not Employed

Marital Status

1 = Married, 0 = Not Married

Participation in other treatment

1 = One or Two Kinds, 0 = None

Perceived stigma5

0 = low, 6 = high (9 items; alpha = .80)

Client propensity score

Predicted covariate to adjust attrition effect

  1. Note: 1 Imputed missing values were used that were based on an EM algorithm in the SPSS: Missing Values Analysis program[71]. 2Unless noted as a multiple-item scale, the measure is a single item. Factor analyses found all scales to be unidimensional. 3Sample item: "Some of the practices on the following list are part of a Therapeutic Community morning meeting and some are not. I'll begin with the first statement on this list. Please tell me whether or not this statement is true or false about how morning meetings were practiced in (INSERT TC NAME). 'Our morning meeting had two parts: one part for taking care of "business" issues and another part for taking care of "clinical" issues.'" 4 Sample Item: "How satisfied are you with the progress you made while you were in the program? Would you say... 5 Sample item: "Most people who know I am a former alcohol or drug addict willingly accept me as a close friend."