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Table 2 Screening Results of Women in Substance Abuse Treatment (N = 390).

From: Brief screening for co-occurring disorders among women entering substance abuse treatment


Screening Sample N = 286 (n, %)

Validation sample N = 88 (n, %)


In the past 30 days have you felt sad, blue, DEPRESSED or lost interest in things you usually cared about or enjoyed?

229 (81)



In the past 30 days have you been bothered by ANXIOUS thoughts and feelings to the point that it made it hard to do your regular activities?




In the past 30 days have you had thoughts about HURTING YOURSELF or killing yourself or others?

46 (17)

16 (18)


In the past 30 days have you been BOTHERED BY THOUGHTS that interrupted you and that you had difficulty controlling?

141 (51)

50 (57)


Any Mental Health Symptoms

249 (89)

81 (92)


Have you ever been in a relationship where your partner has PUSHED or slapped you?

236 (83)

74 (84)


Have you ever been in a relationship where your partner has THREATENED you with violence?

213 (75)

76 (86)


Have you ever been in a relationship where your partner has thrown, BROKEN and punched things?

229 (81)

76 (86)


Any Intimate Partner Violence

251 (88)

82 (93)


Has anyone ever used FORCE or the threat of force to have sex with you against your will?

180 (65)

62 (71)


Any Sexual Assault

197 (70)

65 (75)


Before you were 13, was there any time when you were PUNCHED, kicked, choked, or received a more serious physical punishment from a parent or other adult?

125 (45)

45 (52)


Before you were 13 did anyone ever TOUCH you in a sexual way or make you touch them in a way you did not want them to?

140 (50)

49 (58)


Any Childhood Abuse

170 (60)

60 (70)



Depressive Disorder

56 (64)

Bipolar Disorder

23 (26)

Anxiety Disorder

19 (22)


58 (66)

  1. Note: Any sexual assault summary combines items regarding force and touching. P-values are for Pearson Chi-square test of significance with 1 degree of freedom; In validation sample, one observation was missing for mental health symptom items, one to three were missing for abuse and sexual assault items. In screening sample, 4–10 observations were missing for mental health items and 2–8 for abuse and sexual assault items.