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Table 1 Participant characteristics and cannabis-related factors among US and Israeli participants

From: Theory-based correlates of cannabis use and intentions among US and Israeli adults: a mixed methods study








N = 2,222

N = 1,128

N = 1,094







N (%) or

M (SD)

N (%) or

M (SD)

N (%) or

M (SD)



 Age, M (SD)

32.19 (7.74)

34.11 (7.23)

30.21 (7.76)

 < .001

 Female, N (%)

1,118 (50.3)

562 (49.8)

556 (50.8)


 Sexual minority, N (%)

356 (16.0)

147 (13.0)

209 (19.1)

 < .001

 ≥ College degree, N (%)

953 (42.9)

484 (42.9)

469 (42.9)


 Married/cohabitating, N (%)

1,186 (53.4)

601 (53.3)

585 (53.5)


 Children in the home, N (%)

1,125 (50.6)

529 (46.9)

596 (54.5)

 < .001

Theory-based predictors, M (SD)

Perceived risk – mean score a

4.75 (1.97)

4.29 (1.99)

5.18 (1.84)

 < .001


4.76 (2.25)

4.40 (2.26)

5.12 (2.19)

 < .001

  Harm to health

4.73 (2.20)

4.20 (2.22)

5.25 (2.05)

 < .001

Perceived social norms – mean score b

2.49 (1.60)

2.79 (1.70)

2.19 (1.44)

 < .001

  Social acceptability

2.58 (1.90)

2.93 (2.04)

2.24 (1.69)

 < .001

  Use in social network

2.40 (1.68)

2.64 (1.70)

2.15 (1.61)

 < .001


N = 809

N = 563

N = 246


Those reporting lifetime cannabis use:




 < .001

 Age of first use, M (SD)

18.28 (5.83)

17.83 (5.22)

19.31 (6.95)


 Methods used, past 12 months, N (%)

  Smoked without tobacco

244 (30.2)

202 (36.0)

42 (17.2)

 < .001

  Smoked with tobacco

167 (20.7)

48 (8.6)

119 (48.4)

 < .001

  Vaped in liquid form

140 (17.3)

109 (19.4)

31 (12.6)


  Vaped dried leaves or herb

59 (7.3)

34 (6.1)

25 (10.2)


  Dabbed concentrates (e.g., shatter, budder, wax)

59 (7.3)

50 (8.9)

9 (3.7)


  Orally (e.g., oil, capsules, dissolvable strips, spray)

51 (6.3)

38 (6.8)

13 (5.3)


  Topically (e.g., lotions, bath salts)

39 (4.8)

28 (5.0)

11 (4.5)


  Edibles (i.e., food/drinks)

178 (22.1)

152 (27.1)

26 (10.6)

 < .001

 Primary reasons for cannabis use, N (%)c



  Recreational purposes

479 (66.3)

345 (68.5)

134 (61.2)


  Medical purposes

66 (9.1)

36 (7.1)

30 (13.7)


  Both recreational and medical purposes

178 (24.6)

123 (24.4)

55 (25.1)


 Source of cannabis, most often in past 12 months, N (%)d


 < .001

  Family member or friend

184 (41.7)

119 (41.5)

65 (42.2)


  Dealer or other non-legal source (in person)

91 (20.6)

52 (18.1)

39 (25.3)


  At vape shop, dispensary, co-operative, or other store

100 (22.7)

91 (31.7)

9 (5.8)



66 (15.0)

25 (8.7)

41 (26.6)


N = 370

N = 248

N = 122


Those reporting past 30-day cannabis use:




 < .001

 Number of days used, past 30 days, M (SD)

13.84 (11.85)

15.90 (12.29)

9.66 (9.67)

 < .001

 Times used per day on days used, M (SD)

3.29 (2.89)

3.26 (3.00)

3.37 (2.69)


 Most common method, past 12 months, N (%)


 < .001

  Smoked without tobacco

123 (34.3)

113 (47.3)

10 (8.3)


  Smoked with tobacco

94 (26.2)

25 (10.5)

69 (57.5)



75 (20.9)

47 (19.7)

28 (23.3)


  Edibles (i.e., food/drinks)

28 (7.8)

27 (11.3)

1 (0.8)



39 (10.9)

27 (11.3)

12 (10.0)

  1. Correlation among items: a r = .41. b r = .53
  2. cDon’t know, n = 43; Prefer not to answer, n = 39
  3. dOther, n = 33; Don’t know, n = 15; None of the above/didn’t use or obtain, n = 266; Prefer not to answer, n = 53