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Table 3 Intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence exposure by alcohol misuse status

From: Symptoms of posttraumatic stress partially mediate the relationship between gender-based violence and alcohol misuse among South African women

IPV and NPSV exposure, n (%)

No alcohol misuse (n = 1075)

Alcohol misuse (n = 491)




< 0.001

 No (n = 609)

473 (44)

136 (27.7)


 Yes (n = 957)

602 (56)

355 (72.3)*


Sexual IPV



 No (n = 1317)

916 (85.2)

401 (81.7)


 Yes (n = 249)

159 (14.8)

90 (18.3)


Physical IPV


< 0.001

 No (n = 805)

617 (57.4)

188 (38.3)


 Yes (n = 761)

458 (42.6)

303 (61.7)*


Emotional IPV


< 0.001

 No (n = 854)

627 (58.3)

227 (46.2)


 Yes (n = 712)

448 (41.7)

264 (53.8)*


Economic IPV



 No (n = 1282)

897 (83.4)

385 (78.4)


 Yes (n = 284)

178 (16.6)

106 (21.6)


Multiple IPV types



 0 (n = 609)

371 (60.9)

238 (39.1)*


 1 (n = 325)

124 (38.2)

201 (61.8)*


 2 (n = 321)

135 (42)

186 (58)*


 3 (n = 205)

63 (30.7)

142 (69.3)*


 4 (n = 106)

42 (39.6)

64 (60.4)*


IPV severity of exposure score a


 Overall IPV, range (20–80)

21 (20–27)

24 (20–32)*

< 0.001

 Sexual IPV, range (4–16)

4 (4–16)

5 (4–16)


 Physical IPV, range (5–20)

5 (5–7)

6 (5–10)*

< 0.001

 Emotional IPV, range (7–28)

7 (7–10)

8 (7–13)*

< 0.001

 Economic IPV, range (4–16)

4 (4–4)

4 (4–4)*


Recent rape

n = 1117

n = 498


 No (n = 887)

643 (57.6)

244 (49.0)


 Yes (n = 728)

474 (42.4)

254 (51.0)*


Lifetime NPSV



n = 1117

n = 498

< 0.001

 No (n = 1330)

955 (85.5)

375 (75.3)


 Yes (n = 285)

162 (14.5)

123 (24.7)*


Overall lifetime NPSV severity score, range (4–12)

4.2 (0.7)

4.4 (0.9)*

< 0.001

  1. Alcohol misuse was defined as scored ≥ 3 in the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption questions (AUDIT-C). No-alcohol misuse as AUDIT-C scored 0–2; Any IPV: Exposure to sexual, physical, emotional or economic IPV. Exposure to multiple IPV types: any combination of the 4 types of IPV. IPV severity score: frequency of any IPV items was added for a total score. Lifetime sexual violence: ever exposed to sexual violence by non-partners since the age of 18 years, excluding the recent rape exposure; Overall lifetime sexual violence severity score: sum of frequency of sexual violence exposure. aData are in mean (SD) or median (IQR). *Indicates a statistical significance