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Table 2 Childhood maltreatment (CM) exposure by alcohol misuse status

From: Symptoms of posttraumatic stress partially mediate the relationship between gender-based violence and alcohol misuse among South African women

Childhood maltreatment

CM exposure, n (%)

No alcohol misuse (n = 1116)

Alcohol misuse (n = 498)


Any CM


< 0.001

 No (n = 689)

519 (46.5)

170 (34.1)


 Yes (n = 925)

597 (53.5)

328 (65.9)*


Sexual abuse



 No (n = 1413)

994 (89.1)

419 (84.1)


 Yes (n = 201)

122 (10.9)

79 (15.9)*


Physical abuse



 No (n = 949)

686 (61.5)

263 (52.8)


 Yes (665)

430 (38.5)

235 (47.2)*


Emotional abuse



 No (n = 1159)

824 (73.8)

335 (67.3)


 Yes (bn = 455)

292 (26.2)

163 (32.7)*


Parental neglect



 No (n = 1210)

855 (76.6)

355 (71.3)


 Yes (n = 455)

261 (23.4)

143 (28.7)*


Exposure to multiple CM types


< 0.001

 0 (n = 689)

519 (46.5)

170 (34.1)*


 1 (n = 413)

265 (23.7)

148 (29.7)*


 2 (n = 281)

189 (16.9)

92 (18.5)


 3 (n = 174)

110 (9.9)

64 (12.8)


 4 (n = 57)

33 (3.0)

24 (4.8)


CM severity of exposure score a


 Overall CM, range (13–46)

14 (13–15)

14 (13–16)*

< 0.001

 Sexual abuse, mean (SD)

4.2 (0.65)

4.3 (0.78)*


 Physical abuse, range (3–12)

3 (3–12)

3 (3–12)*

< 0.001

 Emotional abuse, mean (SD)

3.5 (1.0)

3.7 (1.3)*


 Parental neglect, mean (SD)

3.3 (0.7)

3.5 (1.5)*


  1. Alcohol misuse was defined as scored ≥ 3 in the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption questions (AUDIT-C). No-alcohol misuse as AUDIT-C scored 0–2; Any childhood maltreatment (CM): i.e. exposures to sexual, physical or emotional abuse, or parental neglect before 18 years of age was assessed using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire Short Form (CTQ-SF) scale. Exposure to multiple CM types: any combination of the 4 CM types. CM severity score: frequency of any CM items was added for a total score. aData are in mean (SD) or median (IQR). *Indicates a statistical significance