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Table 1 Key participant characteristics by alcohol misuse status

From: Symptoms of posttraumatic stress partially mediate the relationship between gender-based violence and alcohol misuse among South African women

Variables in mean (SD), median (IQR) or n (%)

No-alcohol misuse

(n = 1117)

Alcohol misuse (n = 498)


Age (years)

25.2 (5.6)

25.3 (5.0)


Education, n (%)



 Primary (1–7 years) (n = 651)

443 (39.7)

208 (41.8)


 ≥High school (≥ 8 years) (n = 964)

674 (60.3)

290 (58.2)


Employment, n (%)



 No (n = 1285)

890 (79.7)

395 (79.3)


 Yes (n = 330)

227 (20.3)

103 (20.7)


Income, n (%)

n = 337

n = 147


 <R2000 (n = 339)

233 (69.1)

106 (72.1)


 R2000-R5000 (n = 121)

89 (26.4)

32 (21.8)


 >R5000 (n = 24)

15 (4.5)

9 (6.1)


Resident area, n (%)

n = 1101

n = 493


 Formal urban

764 (69.4)

378 (76.7)*


 Informal urban

192 (17.4)

77 (15.6)


 Rural and Semi-rural

145 (13.2)

38 (7.7)*


Mental health (median, IQR)


CES-D depression symptom score (0–60)

18 (10–34)

23 (12–37)*

< 0.001

Post-traumatic stress symptom score (0–68)

10 (0–34)

21 (3–41)*

< 0.001

Other traumatic exposures score (0–11)

1 (0–3)

2 (1–4)*

< 0.001

  1. SD, standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range. Alcohol misuse was defined as scored ≥ 3 in the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption questions (AUDIT-C). No-alcohol misuse as AUDIT-C scored 0–2; Resident areas classification based on understanding where the people live: i.e. formal urban: brick house with available public services such as electricity and tapped water; informal urban: i.e. townships which could be informal housing and where public services are limited; rural and semi-rural: typical farming areas, etc.; CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression: examined experiences of depressive symptoms in the previous week; Post-traumatic stress symptom: measured using Davidson Trauma Scale. Other traumatic exposures: imprisonment, witnessing a murder robbed at gun or knife point, etc. *Indicates a statistical significance