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Table 3 Interview guide

From: Students’ drinking behavior and perceptions towards introducing alcohol policies on university campus in Denmark: a focus group study

Main theme of the discussion

Sub questions

“Some students frequently drink a lot of alcohol”. What is your reaction to this statement?

What are your own experiences?

Explain why this statement is true or false according to you.

In what way can alcohol use be a problem to students? Which problems can arise from student alcohol use?

What is your view on problematic alcohol use?

Are there a lot or few students that use alcohol problematically? Can you explain why?

Which possible problems could occur on your campus because of the use of alcohol and/or the effects of alcohol use?

Which problems have you encountered yourself?

What are according to you the most important problems? Which problems are of lesser importance?

Who might be affected/influenced by these problems?

Which influence do these problems have on you?

(in case ofthere are no problems”)

Which problems concerning alcohol use could hypothetically happen on your campus?

If these problems were to happen, to what extent are they important to you?

Which rules/agreements or policy are there on your campus concerning the use of alcohol and the effects of alcohol use?

Which rules/agreements are there on the use of alcohol on your campus?

How are these rules/agreements made public?

Who do these rules apply to?

Who has constructed these rules?

For which reason are these rules being followed? For which reasons are they not being followed?

What are the positive aspects of these rules concerning alcohol use on your campus?

What are the negative aspects of these rules concerning alcohol use on your campus?

Which adjustments should be made to these rules/agreements and/or this policy, according to you?

(in case ofno rules’)

What is your opinion about this lack of rules?

What is positive about this situation?

What is negative about this situation?

Let us brainstorm about this. Imagine that you were the head of campus and you could develop an on campus alcohol policy. Which rules/agreements concerning alcohol use and/or the effects of alcohol use should there be on your campus?

Which rules/agreements concerning the use and/or effects of alcohol would you like at your campus?

Which rules do you think are more important? Which are less important?

For what reasons?

Which side-conditions should be fulfilled when implementing these rules?

What purpose should these rules have?

Who should be involved in the development of these rules?

Who should be involved in the implementation of these rules?

To whom should these rules apply?

Which problems might arise in making/implementing/… these rules?

In which way should compliance to these rules be controlled?

In which way should violations be sanctioned?

What would you do if someone does not follow these rules?

(In case ofthere are no problems’)

In which way can possible problems concerning alcohol use be prevented? Is setting rules one of them?

Do you think it is meaningful/useful to set rules on campus alcohol use? Explain why/why not.

If I summarize, then … (give summary of main points that were discussed, appointments that have to be made) with a few side-conditions… (give summary of side-conditions)

Imagine that these rules were to be implemented starting tomorrow morning: what will be the effect?

In what way can the implementation of these new rules solve existing problems concerning alcohol use at your campus?

Which, if any, problems will not be solved by implementing this new policy? Can these problems at all be solved through rules and regulation?

We have discussed a lot of things today, which we thank you for. We are confident that your opinion has given us a better insight on the issue. Is there anything more you would like to share with us, that was not talked about during this discussion